Coop Flown..Empty Nest, Now What?

Having experienced and subsequently left behind a 20-year successful corporate career, coupled with the sudden death of my husband on Super Bowl Sunday more than a decade ago, I unconsciously immersed myself entirely in motherhood. Several weeks before my son was to leave for his first year of college, I walked past a mirror, and the ...

Here’s Why More Family Outdoor Time Is A Must

Years ago, it was very commonplace to find families spending a great deal of time outdoors. Before technology overtook our lives, most kids were drawn to the adventures available to them outside as opposed to inside. There wasn’t a lot to do inside, but when you got outdoors, anything and everything was possible! Modern conveniences ...

Juggling Act: Balancing Motherhood and Business

To be a mother is difficult. To have a career is difficult. To do both of these things at the same time, however, takes a level of strength that can be considered superhuman. However, while it can seem overwhelming to juggle so many responsibilities, with some careful planning, you can ensure all your needs are ...