Four Signs You’re In The Wrong Job

When people take on a new job, they choose the role they want based on experiencing satisfaction and growth in the industry. Unfortunately, not every employee finds those things in the role that they have taken on. Can you relate? If so, you might be assessing whether your job is right for you. Asking yourself if ...

Women In Construction: Why The Industry Needs More

Women in construction are a minority. Studies have revealed that as many as 93.8% of construction workers are male, and that's hardly surprising. However, it highlights one of the most drastic gender divides in today's working world. Even in the modern age, female workers struggle to get their foot in the door of the construction industry that ...

Ready To Date Again? 4 Tips For a Confident Comeback

If you’ve reached the point where you’re ready to hit the dating scene again, then good for you! There’s nothing more magical than meeting someone new and beginning to fall in love with them day by day, hour by hour, and minute by minute. Finding someone you can see yourself spending the rest of your ...

The Art of Juggling: Survival Tips for Working Moms

Life's grand circus often finds the working woman playing multiple roles at once: she may be career-driven during the day, then transform into a domestic goddess at night. Let's explore ways women can make this transition between home and career less daunting. Tips for Working Moms: Plan and Prioritize A vital tool in our balancing act as ...

7 Ways To Feel More Financially Secure

Feeling financially secure is a great feeling. It will ensure that you can pay your bills while treating yourself occasionally.  If you're someone who wants to get a handle on their finances and feel more financially secure, here are some helpful tips. Review your salary deductions Various salary deductions are mandatory by law. However, many deductions are optional or can ...

Creative Careers That Could Be Perfect For You

Creative careers are everywhere, and if you have creative energy, or you've always had an eye for detail and love making things your own, you could have a future in a similarly creative career space. You could start a business of your own, join an apprenticeship, or simply put together a small side hustle. And if ...