Common Mistakes to Avoid when Managing an eCommerce Store

Are you responsible for managing an eCommerce store? If so, you’ll want to ensure that everything is going according to plan and that you are generating a reasonable amount of sales. If you feel you need to improve or feel your sales could be better, you can do a few things to improve them. Below is a list of top mistakes made in the eCommerce business – are you making any of them?


managing an eCommerce store

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

No Shop Button

If you are managing an eCommerce store, you may be able to increase your general visibility by including the button within your leading shop’s menu. This addition may help you to convert casually browsing visitors into customers. If you don’t have anything like this, you could be missing out on sales more than you realize.

No Incentive

As a digital marketer managing an eCommerce store, finding innovative and sometimes creative ways to drive traffic to your store is your job. When visitors land on the site, you must review how you incentivize traffic. You are making a huge mistake if you are not encouraging people or if you are not providing them with a reason to check out your wares.

Not Optimizing Your Store

Making your site and shop mobile-friendly is very important. A poor customer experience can quickly impact your relationship with them. If your visitors are viewing your site with a mobile device, they are likely on the go more often than not. Therefore, you must ensure that you cater to this type of customer. Not every customer will be a desktop user. Create a simplified version of your site and ensure it is also ranked. Mobile optimization is necessary to provide every customer with the best online experience possible.


As a seller managing an eCommerce store, you must ensure you have a USP (unique selling point). Every organization will have strong values as well as a unique offer. The same principles help your store to stand out. If you have a policy where all profits go into educational programming, for example, or artist development, then mention this in your store. It will help your customers connect with you and also goes a long way in creating a much deeper brand message. It helps to make sure that your associations align with what you sell. If you sell dog food, then a portion of the proceeds going to a fashion-related organization might not make sense to some customers. However, if you have an education store and focus on selling lesson plans online, then this can translate to a unique selling point.

Not Curating Your User Journeys

Did you know that 93% of shoppers declare that a site’s visual appearance plays a part in their decision to purchase? This is also very true if you run a physical store. Each section of your store has to be designed in such a way that it guides the customer around the store. Visitors expect a curated experience; if you are not providing this, you could be missing out. If you sell products related to an exhibition, put up a banner that drives traffic to this section. The exhibition page you have needs to be well thought out, and it also needs to push your best sellers. Bundle products together and make sure that you are selling a large variety of goods so you can help the customer filter whatever they are interested in buying. 

Poor Images

As customers cannot see your products in-store, the images you display are essential if you want to make a sale. The best thing you can do is practice taking photos of your products using multiple angles. You can also use lifestyle shots to your advantage. If you are selling furniture, try putting this against a plain wall background rather than taking the photo using a greenscreen. Selling fashion items? Take a picture of them worn by someone. If you are able to do this, you will soon find it easier to get the overall result you are looking for. Another thing you can do is adopt 360-degree photos. Augmented reality is also a worthy investment, so give this some thought.

Poor Product Copy

Where possible, try and avoid using long paragraphs of content. Keep everything short, concise, and, most of all, relevant. Avoid overutilizing links to other pages, which may lead the customer away from your site and not return. If you sell honey, linking to a page about how bees make it is great, but again, not if it takes the customer away from your site. One way to work around this would be to create pages on your own site with the same information. These things give the customer more value when they browse your site, and it also means that you can make the most out of your sales by keeping your customers with you. The longer someone is on your site, the more likely they will be to make a purchase, so if you can keep this in mind, you are bound to reap the benefits later. 

Lastly, always check out your competition periodically while managing an eCommerce store. You’re not seeking to copy and paste but to compare and analyze what they are doing and how. Success requires innovation, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel.


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