Can Anyone Become A Life Coach?

Life coaching can be a rewarding career. But just what does it take to become a life coach? Can anyone opt to become a life coach? Or do you need some form of credentials or experience? This post addresses five commonly asked questions about pursuing this career.

Become A Life Coach

Do I need qualifications to become a life coach?

There are no legal certification requirements needed to become a life coach. You do not need to have a specialist life coaching degree. In fact, you don’t need a degree at all – or any qualifications, for that matter.

That said, you can complete a life coaching certification program, and it has its advantages. Completing such a program can allow you to promote yourself as a certified life coach. Speaking as a certified life coach, I can say this- life coaches with a certification tend to be seen as more credible and find it easier to attract business. Such a course could also provide you with specific coaching skills you may not currently have. 

Should I focus on a niche?

Some people advertise themselves as a general ‘life coach.’ However, it’s tough to stand out with so many of these coaches in the market. Focusing on a niche is often a much more effective strategy. A few examples of life coach niches include:

  • Career coaching
  • Relationship/dating coaching
  • Small business coaching
  • Midlife transition coaching
  • Leadership/executive coaching
  • Health and fitness coaching
  • Emptynest transition coaching
  • Public speaking coaching
  • Parent coaching
  • Recovery coaching

Having extra niche qualifications could help boost your credibility. For example, having a business degree could be advantageous when becoming a small business coach.

Does experience matter?

Experience in a specific field could make up for a lack of qualifications. For example, if you are a successful public speaker, you may not need additional qualifications to prove your credibility as a public speaking coach. Similarly, having experience launching a successful business could make you perfectly suited to become a small business coach. 

In fact, life experiences are often a huge motivation for many who pursue a career as a life coach and are great to use within your marketing plans. Consider your experiences when deciding upon a niche. If you are a former drug addict or alcoholic who has turned their life around, you could consider targeting recovering addicts and alcoholics, inspiring them through your own achievements. In some ways, experience is the most crucial ingredient.

Do I have to register my business?

You will need to declare taxes on any income you make, which means registering your business with the IRS. Failure to do this could result in legal challenges for you.

If you are offering your coaching services free of charge, you may need to register as a non-profit. Some states require you to register separately with a state website to be tax-exempt. 

Do I need a marketing plan?

You’ll struggle to generate business without some kind of marketing plan. You can promote your life coaching service by publishing inspiring social media content, producing motivational videos, writing SEO-focused blog posts, and reaching out to potential clients with emails. Getting creative and being transparent about your niche will help you to find an audience. 


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