5 Self-Care Strategies to Consider

Self-care is unique to everyone; what works for one person may not work for someone else. It's important to remain open to new experiences and find out what works for you; however, many people have some common ones in their rotation, and here are five self-care strategies to consider:   Meditation Routine  There are three ways to manage your ...

Cosmetic Surgery: How It Is Empowering Women

Cosmetic surgery has come a long way since its early days hundreds of years ago. Yes, you read that correctly - hundreds of years ago. Plastic surgery dates back to 800 BC in India. Since then, many women have increasingly turned to surgical procedures in pursuit of beauty despite once being stigmatized or kept hidden ...

5 Ways to Meet the Challenges of a Busy Life

Living a busy life has become more of the norm for most people, making today's modern world very different from just a few years ago. More people are working remotely, and technology has changed significantly.  In order to meet the challenges of a busy life, consider using the following five methods to manage and perform at ...

Entrepreneur Life: Be Aware Of These 4 Health Challenges

Most individuals experiencing the entrepreneur life understand the importance of self-care, whether it involves fueling their bodies for more energy to navigate those endless work days or becoming more mindful of unhealthy habits. However, despite that knowledge, entrepreneurs committed to the relentless "grind culture" can fall prey to physical and mental health problems. Here are four common challenges ...

How To Fuel Your Body In A Healthy Way For 2023

When it comes to you and your body, it's essential that you're doing everything you can to keep it healthy. The fuel you provide to your body, whether it's the food you're eating or the exercises you participate in (or not), all matters.  Here are a few tips to help fuel your body and get you ...

7 Ways To Pass Time On A Long Flight

Now that the world has opened back up, traveling (especially by air) has once again become a sought-after activity for many. Air travel can be an exciting experience, especially when it involves visiting new places, meeting new people, or attending important business meetings. However, long flights can be overwhelming and boring, especially if you are not skilled ...