7 Ways To Pass Time On A Long Flight

Now that the world has opened back up, traveling (especially by air) has once again become a sought-after activity for many. Air travel can be an exciting experience, especially when it involves visiting new places, meeting new people, or attending important business meetings. However, long flights can be overwhelming and boring, especially if you are not skilled at keeping yourself entertained or engaged during the journey. 

7 Ways To Pass Time On A Long Flight

Whether you’re traveling for work or pleasure, a long flight can be draining, and it’s essential to take steps to keep yourself sane and entertained throughout the journey. While catching some z’s helps the hours pass quickly, here are a few additional suggestions for keeping yourself engaged and composed on your next long flight:

Bring Your Favorite Book

Bringing your favorite book with you on a long flight is one of the best ways to keep yourself occupied. It may seem boring or old-fashioned, but a good book can absorb you just as well as any other form of modern entertainment. Reading can be a great way to pass the time while keeping your mind active, whether it’s a novel, self-help book, or biography. You can also bring a magazine or newspaper to read about subjects that interest you or catch up on recent news.

Listen to Music or Podcasts

A long flight can be an excellent opportunity to unwind and kill time by listening to music or podcasts. Before the flight, download your preferred podcast or playlist and use noise-canceling headphones to listen to it. It can be beneficial if you’re prone to anxiety or stress while flying to listen to music or podcasts because they can help you block out distractions and create a calming environment. It’s often good to shut out the noise and chatter around you, especially when traveling solo.

Watch a Movie or TV Show

If you prefer visual entertainment, bring your tablet or laptop to watch your favorite movie or TV show. Most airlines provide in-flight entertainment systems but might not have your favorite films or TV shows. So that you have something to watch that will keep you occupied for hours, download your favorite movies or TV shows before the flight. If you’re going to do that, consider exploring the best movie torrenting sites.

7 Ways To Pass Time On A Long Flight

Play Games

Another enjoyable activity to keep yourself busy on a lengthy flight is playing games. A deck of cards, a handheld gaming device, or game downloads for your smartphone are all options. It’s essential to keep your mind active during a long flight to pass the time and maintain your sanity. With so many great portable devices and mobile games available these days, you should be able to keep yourself entertained with games easily.

Engage in Meditation or Mindfulness Exercises

Long flights can be stressful; therefore, you must protect your mental and emotional well-being while in the air. You can remain calm, centered, and attentive throughout the flight by practicing mindfulness or meditation. You can use your smartphone or tablet to practice breathing exercises or visualization techniques by downloading meditation or mindfulness apps. These activities should result in a far more relaxing journey, which can only be good.

Write or Journal

Bring a notebook or journal if you like to write, and use the flight to jot down your ideas, thoughts, or reflections. Writing can be therapeutic and keep you grounded during a long flight by allowing you to process your emotions. During this time, you could also plan your activities for when you get to your destination or write in your travel journal. 

Take Breaks and Stretch

Taking breaks and stretching during a long flight is critical because sitting for long periods can be uncomfortable, exhausting, and potentially unhealthy. By taking breaks, you can avoid becoming stiff and exhausted, which can add to feelings of restlessness or irritability during the flight. You can move around the cabin on foot, stretch out while sitting still, or use the restroom to freshen up.

Long flights can be intimidating, but with the right attitude and a few interesting “distractions” at your disposal, you can make the most of your time in the air.  

Which of these options will serve you well on your next flight?


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