How Are You Managing Work-Life Integration?

If there’s one thing that parenthood brings it’s perspective. In fact, a change of perspective is putting it mildly. In fact, researchers have stated that parenthood completely changes your brain chemistry, meaning that the things that once mattered a lot, caused you so much stress and anxiety, or kept you awake at night, become things you shrug off once your kids are born. Your priorities are rearranged and protecting your kids and making sure that they have the very best start in life becomes your #1 priority.

Perhaps that’s why many new working parents are now choosing not to return to work for their former employers but instead treading the path of entrepreneurship. In their minds, it’s the perfect way to have some form of work-life balance or work-life integration and take their careers and their futures into their own hands. However, while entrepreneurship can certainly grant you the flexibility you need to juggle your career and your family matters, it can quickly consume you, devouring every minute of your free time and causing you to burn out.

work-life integration

If your new business is taking more of your time, effort and focus than you’d like to admit, perhaps it’s time to ask yourself some direct questions.

Are you at peak productivity all the time?

Productivity is an issue that all entrepreneurs grapple with, especially around this time of year when the ‘summer slump’ sets in. All that heat can quickly rob you of your productivity. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that your workplace is conducive to peak productivity. Allow yourself and your employees frequent short breaks to guard against mental and physical fatigue. Ensure that everyone is well hydrated at all times and that you have abundant access to natural light. Never underestimate the effect that a few potted plants can have on workplace productivity either.

Do you know when to outsource and when to handle matters in-house?

Handling matters in-house may feel like it affords you greater control over your operations. However, outsourcing can often be just as effective, if not more so, as well as potentially saving a lot of time, money and effort. Outsourced IT support, for example, will save you money on building your IT infrastructure and the right service provider will proactively ensure that your equipment is fit for use and conducive to peak efficiency. When your affairs are in the hands of dedicated professionals, they won’t weight quite so heavily on your mind or intrude on your free time.

Do you have set working hours (and keep to them)?

All entrepreneurs struggle with time management, and until you learn to say “no more” you will have challenges as well. It’s not negligent or unreasonable to expect a life outside of work, nor should you feel guilty for calling it quits at days end. Rarely is anything so important that it won’t wait until the morning.

Do you trust your employees to manage without you?

You invest a lot of time, effort into recruiting and training your employees to ensure that they’re the best. But they’ll only ever be the best if you allow them to be. If you hover over them, micromanage them or get too hands-on in their areas of expertise, you will impede their growth and limit their efficacy.

When you learn to place your trust in those around you, you can focus more on the things and people that matter the most. Managing your business and your home life is no easy feat. However work-life integration is necessary for many reasons including your self-care.


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