How to Beat The Summer Heat When You Are At Work

Welcome to summer, amazing one!

For those who work from home, It’s very easy to stay cool during the summer months. After all, you can adjust the air conditioning or fan settings at will, or you can easily grab a frozen treat or cold beverage from the fridge when necessary. Even take a cold shower in the middle of the day if you’d like! However when you don’t work from home and share office space with others, your options aren’t as vast, but, there are several options available. Here are a few that you can turn to in order beat the summer heat!

Beat The Summer Heat

Light Clothes

You probably have a set dress code for work, and if you’re in a corporate environment, this probably means that you can’t show up in shorts and a t-shirt. You can however try and wear light clothes wherever possible, and cotton is a fantastic choice here. If you can’t opt for cotton, then try and go for linen or even silk. They work best by absorbing sweat, and they are also much lighter when compared to some others. Fabrics such as polyester or even rayon are to be avoided as they are much heavier and they aren’t nearly as absorbent. Dark colors also absorb heat and light, so if you have to wear a suit, try and opt for light grey or tan.

Close the Shades, Blinds, & Curtains

If you sit near a window, consider closing the shades, blinds or curtains. Doing so will block the intensity of the sun rays, especially during those peak hours of the day which will help to keep the room temperature down. Also, consider dimming the ceiling lights or turning off the lights altogether and using the natural lighting instead. Lastly, consider purchasing a small desk fan for those moments when you feel as though you are experiencing your own personal summer.

Shut the Window

A slight breeze is always comforting, but you are being counterproductive by opening the window at work during a heatwave. You’ll be letting hot air in, especially if it is hotter outside than it is inside. A general rule is to try and avoid opening windows during a heatwave. If there is a strong, cool breeze outside however then feel free to go ahead and open as many windows as you can. If your company does not have an air conditioning unit or if you know that it is broken (hopefully AC repair is on its way!) then it’s crucial that you consider the options listed in this post.

Beat The Summer Heat

Stay Hydrated

When it is hot outside, water can ease the heat in several ways. Your body will sweat much more, and this will cause you to lose a lot of fluids. When you drink water, this will help to keep you hydrated, and it will also help you to deal with the heat better. You can also put a few drops on your wrist and the back of your neck. Doing this can help to lower your body temperature. You can even try and take a spray bottle with you to work as well, as this can really help you to stay cool.

Whether you’re inside or outside, make every effort to beat the summer heat and be sure to practice self-care!

*collaborative post


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