Are You Using Email Effectively?

If you’re someone who uses the internet, and that’s most of the population these days, you’re also likely using it to communicate via email. Gone are the days of sending letters via snail mail and waiting a couple of days for your correspondence to show up. While snail mail is still a viable resource, email is the more commonly used method of communicating for most of us; and it’s something that’s indispensable in business.

Most entrepreneurs are consumed with concerns about whether they are being visible enough, and they should be. However, those concerns about connecting with your target audience can be minimized to some extent when you’ve got consistent marketing techniques up your sleeve. Namely, if you’ve got a mailing list, make sure you’re using it effectively

Using Email Effectively

So with that in mind, let’s review why it remains a great tool and determine if you are using email effectively.

It’s the Most Appropriate

Texting is great. However, there is a time and place for it. Sending a text message is something you do with friends, family and close work colleagues. I even send an occasional text to my coaching clients, when appropriate. However, when you’ve got an investor to impress, or you need to inform the founder of another company about something, texting is not going to go far to impress. It’s situations such as these where email steps in and does the work for you. It’s professional (i.e., Messenger is not), it’s formal, and you can attach documents or pictures you need, making it a lot more convenient.

You Can Be Brief

Emails aren’t meant for long passages of text, so keep them clear and concise. Yes, you can get a point across in a few sentences. No one wants to be greeted by pages of text when they open their inbox, especially if they have 100 other emails to get through.

When you’ve got an email to send to multiple people, you can easily draft your message and determine who should be added as CC or BCC. Hopefully, you aren’t the creator of messages that result in a ton of unnecessary “reply all” responses. It often helps to inform recipients how you would like them to handle this aspect of the email.

Using Email Effectively

You Can Advertise

Using emails to advertise your business is a powerful tool that some business owners overlook. Are you including hyperlinks to your website or a recent press release in your email communication? Are you sending out newsletters via email?
If you arent, consider using the services of a company such as to get started.

Using email effectively can be very beneficial to your business, and despite all of the newer means of communication, it remains a leading method of communication in business.


*Collaborative post


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