Developing Effective Communication Skills

Have you ever had moments when it felt like you were being misunderstood? Moments when despite your best efforts, whatever you said appeared to miss the mark? The easy solution is to lay the blame on others. However, whether the communication disconnect is happening at work, with loved ones, or in social settings, it’s important to understand the importance of effective communication skills. Here are a few tips on ensuring that if there is a communication disconnect, the likelihood of you being the problem is minimized.


Developing Effective Communication Skills

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Remembering the Basics

We can all overcomplicate things from time to time, can we not? While you may not necessarily need to undergo an English speaking test, it’s important to remember that basic communication components must always be in place. When it comes to communicating with others, we think that we know exactly what to say. However, we must remember that effective communication is a two-way street- a transaction between ourselves and the other person. This is why having a little reminder of the basics can help us to avoid overcomplicating things. As the acronym goes, KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)!

Prepare What You’re Going to Say

Preparation is essential when readying yourself for any conflict or difficult conversation. Many of us communicate by blurting out the first thing we think of. However, when we prepare, whether it’s a quick go-over of what we want to say in our head or stepping away to prepare a presentation, it gives us the breathing space to think about what we will say and how we will say it. Preparation also helps us to refine something like body language. When engaging in difficult conversations, it’s essential that you practice things like your posture and having a confident stance. An amazing TED Talk by Amy Cuddy on the power of posture can give you some fantastic insight here.

It’s About Listening As Well

Effective communication almost always involves two or more people, and active listening is a key component. So many of us focus on what we feel we have to say, anxiously waiting for a gap in the conversation to start talking. Some fundamentals of active listening include giving the other person your full attention, removing distractions, and asking open-ended questions.

Become Aware of Your Own Emotions

Our emotional intelligence is critical for effective communication to exist. We can only communicate at our best with others once we’ve understood our own emotions and behaviors they may trigger in others. We must never stop learning, especially on the topic of our emotions. If you have a high level of emotional intelligence, you often become better at communicating because you will likely actively listen, maintain the appropriate tone, and use positive body language.


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