The Five Golden Rules Of Professionalism In The Workplace

Professionalism is an expectation that is non-negotiable in the workplace. Unfortunately, some individuals struggle with the concept, and it becomes visible in their behavior. This includes: Arriving late on a regular basis Displaying rude behavior to colleagues and customers Not making an effort with their attire Not being a team player Demonstrating less than the ...

High-Achieving Woman: Starting A Business Without Borrowing A Dime

Destiny’s Child once sang “Ladies, it ain’t easy being independent.” And they were not wrong, especially if said lady wants to enter the often cutthroat and unforgiving world of business. When a high-achieving woman is struck by a spark of inspiration to start her own business, she has stumbled upon the means to liberate herself. ...

Time Wasters In The Office? Reclaim Your Time

Time wasters are everywhere in the office environment. Even if you are the boss, a high-achieving woman, you have likely found yourself engaged in a bad habit or two occasionally. We’re only human, after all. The moment we have something to do, we get distracted by 101 more important activities. And, don't let us have ...

Girls Run The World, But Guys Serve A Purpose, Too

Not long ago, the corporate workplace was primarily an exclusive playground for men. While some women worked outside of the home, it wasn't commonplace to have a significant female presence in an office environment, especially not in positions of power. Now, things couldn’t be more different. While the #timesup movement is in full effect, and we ...

Why Some Women Will Never Be High-Achievers

There are people around us who are living paycheck-to-paycheck. Having to make daily decisions about whether to pay the utility bill or buy medical supplies; whether to save their last few dollars for gas for their "hoopty" or a meal for their family. When I hear someone like that use the term,"I can't afford it," ...

Maintaining A Professional Image While Operating a Home-Based Business

One of the biggest lies in life is that you cannot possibly "balance" the responsibilities of a career and motherhood, simultaneously. Some people believe that you can’t split your focus between your career obligations, your kids, and your partner. However, the good news is that it can be done and there are millions of mothers ...