3 Easy Ways To Excel In Your Career

When you're in a job you love, you'll naturally want to do great in it. You'll want to excel in your career, and there can be countless ways to do this. However, how to make that happen may not appear obvious in many cases, and sometimes it feels borderline impossible. That doesn't mean it has to ...

Women and Cars: Dismantling The Stereotypes

Women are breaking barriers and excelling in various fields. However, there are still areas where they suffer from bias. Women and cars, specifically, car purchasing skills, maintenance ability, and their presence in vehicle-related careers are areas where women have the potential to be a greater force. Negative stereotypes and misconceptions often make it challenging for women to ...

Things To Consider Before Making A Career Change

Are you looking to make a career change? If the answer is yes, be prepared to put a lot of work in. Rarely is the process easy, nor does it happen overnight. You will have to dedicate yourself to making the career change a reality and stick with it even when things get rough.  Ready? Set? ...

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is a common issue that many businesswomen will face. It’s a psychological problem that can undermine their self-confidence and stop them from growing professionally (or even personally, in some cases). Read on to learn more about imposter syndrome and how to overcome it so you can be the best business owner you can ...

7 Things to Do Before You File for Divorce

  Deciding to file for divorce is always a challenging choice. It's a decision that comes with significant emotional, financial, and logistical implications. If you're considering taking this life-changing step, there are several recommended actions you should take beforehand to protect your interests and prepare for the process ahead. 1. Learn about the divorce process Understanding the divorce ...

Explore Non-Traditional Career Opportunities

Bored at work? Seeking a career change? Have you considered using your current skills to pursue non-traditional career opportunities? CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels Travel for Work Opportunities There are endless numbers of good-paying jobs worldwide- if you are willing to step out of your geographical comfort zone. For example, countries like Japan pay very well for ...