9 Steps For Impressing Clients Visiting Your Office

You’ve had a series of phone meetings with a client, and now you’re ready for some in-person communication. If your office is subpar, it might just be a black mark against you and your company. Impressing clients who are visiting your office requires work.  Let’s review nine tried and tested ways to make sure your clients are nothing but impressed when they visit your office space.

1. Think About the Entrance

Your client’s in-person, first impression of your company won’t be when they’re sitting across from you at the meeting table. It’ll be when they get out of their car, and first walk in your office space. Next time you’re approaching your office, or any area that you are utilizing for meetings, think about how it would look from the perspective of a client visiting for the first time. Is the entrance well sign-posted? Does the reception area look inviting and bright? Is there a place to sit if you were waiting to be escorted upstairs? It doesn’t have to be anything complicated, just make sure that it’s presentable and inviting.


Impressing Clients

2. Staff Knows

You’re not going to be doing all the work by yourself. Even if you’re the only one that will be meeting with your client, they’re still going to get an insight into your office culture whether you like it or not. Your staff will be excellent at their job, but they might not have thought about how they should act when there are outside visitors to the office, so make sure you review their duties in advance. Of course, you shouldn’t expect them to behave entirely out of character either. If your company branding is robust enough, it should naturally radiate from your staff. And speaking of branding…

3. Office Branding

Your branding IS your company, and there’s no other way to say it. Let’s take a look at two scenarios. In the first, you’re a company that promotes itself as being progressive, cool, trendy, but your office? It’s uninspiring – little more than desks and chairs, grey walls, and a muted, disinterested atmosphere. In the second scenario, your office is different. It’s bright, colorful, and different from the other office spaces that your client sees typically. Of course, it doesn’t take a genius to see which of these two options would win the approval of your client, so make sure your office set-up is in tune with your company branding.

4. Keeping Things Tidy

Well, first thing’s first, you’re never going to be able to keep every inch of your office in perfect order for a client, so don’t go nuts trying to. A functional office is always going to have a bit of mess from the day. However, there’s a big difference between a working office with a few loose papers lying around and a genuinely messy office. Make sure you hire an office cleaner and keep your floors in tip-top condition by using the services of a company that provides these service like bearcomservices.com for example.

5. Snacks and Refreshments

Sometimes, the small things make all the difference. If your client has traveled to have a meeting with you, then the least you can do is make sure they’re sufficiently refreshed. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated: good coffee, tea, fruit and a pastry will do the trick. Feed your client well, serve their business needs and have them smiling and happy for the rest of the day.

Impressing Clients

6. A Quiet Space

When it comes to talking business, it’s essential that you have a space that allows you to speak in peace. If you don’t already have a dedicated meeting room assigned, use a makeshift one that has comfortable chairs, not too much clutter, and the capacity to use any technology you might need during your meeting. It’ll be much better than just sitting at a desk with all the background noise of a normal working day.

7. Don’t Be Too Clinical

This one is more about your office in general rather than just for when your clients are visiting your office, but it’ll also help in that regard, too. Your office doesn’t have just to be functional; it can also be fun! There’s no reason why you should always opt for traditional seating throughout your office when you can also have a comfortable seating area in the corner. Plants are also an effective way to brighten up a workspace, too. Making an effort to include fun in your office will show that it’s not all business, but that you also have a human side.

8. Be Different

This will not be the first time that your client has visited an office. The question is, what can you do to make yours stand out? Of course, you don’t want to risk going overboard – that might be worse than not making any extra effort at all. However, if you can find an angle that would work, such as showcasing something related to your previous business dealings, or to something that you know your client likes, would earn you extra points.
9. Bring Your A Game

Finally, remember that the most significant factor in the meeting will be how you manage the situation. Before the meeting, it’s best to have a precise schedule and not to have anything lined up for the time immediately after the meeting is supposed to end just in case things get delayed. Be prepared, and you’ll be on the right track to ensuring an excellent experience for everyone involved.

Apply the advice above, and your clients shouldn’t be anything other than impressed.


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