Want Your Startup to Stand Out? Here’s How

Every startup business aims to claim the biggest profits and maximize the potential of the company. Roughly 80% of new businesses survive past their first year of operation. However, around half of them no longer exist after five years, and only one-third make it past their tenth anniversary. Most float in the shallow pools of ...

Traditional Business Models and StartUp Failures: Are They Related?

    For a variety of reasons, some business models are quoted as being ‘doomed to fail,’ from the start. But is that really all there is to it? The economy certainly is a factor and competition always complicates things.  Start-Ups are popping up  everywhere, yet traditional models still rule the high streets and here are a few ...

How To Get Started Funding Your Dream

You have an idea for a fantastic business. Perhaps it's a company similar to the one you work for now; maybe it's a completely new and fresh idea in the market and sure to be a winner. The one dilemma that you're faced with now is how to get the capital you need to start funding ...