Relatable Marketing Campaigns and Why They Deliver Results

Marketing Campaign

Trends in marketing are changing in the face of new technology like social media. Being able to interact with customers on a one to one basis whenever they like, means that the way consumers view businesses is changing. They’re increasingly looking for companies that have more of a personality when they make decisions about where to spend their money.

If your company appears impersonal, people won’t want to deal with you because it gives them the impression that your service won’t be outstanding. Companies often overlook the importance of providing their marketing campaigns with a personality, but this step is vital. If you want to give your business a real personality, you need to treat it like a person.

Coherent Branding

One way to look at branding is like the clothes that a person wears. When you look at someone’s outfit, you’re likely to make a snap judgment about the kind of person they are based on the colors and styles that they wear. Whether that assessment is accurate or not, it still likely affects your interactions with that person. The same is true of business branding. Choosing the right styles and colors tells your customers what kind of company you are. You can learn more here about how your branding relates to customer’s perceptions of your business.

It’s essential that you keep branding coherent across all of your marketing materials; otherwise, potential customers won’t know who you are. Imagine seeing somebody wearing a shirt and tie paired with flip-flops and cargo shorts; your immediate impression is likely going to be that this person has no fashion sense and possibly is not very intelligent. People think the same about companies that don’t have a clear focus on their branding.

Have A Sense Of Humor

Another thing that often draws you to a person is their sense of humor. Depending on the circumstances, people may enjoy being around other people who are funny, in the same way that they may enjoy interacting with a company that exhibits a sense of humor. In the last couple of years, companies have been using comedy as a way to communicate with customers, sometimes with fantastic results. One of the most memorable interactions is the Wendy’s Twitter campaign that went viral, gaining them a tremendous amount of exposure around the world. If you can learn not to take yourself so seriously and make a joke now and again, customers will be more likely to do business with you.


There is a tried and tested way of injecting a bit of personality into your marketing campaigns, but it can be risky. Choosing a relevant celebrity that people respect to endorse your product may help generate sales. However, if you choose wrong, you could end up embarrassing your company very publicly. Selecting a celebrity that’s “old news” will quickly make you the target of ridicule and those jokes spread like wildfire on social media. Even worse, is picking a celebrity that ends up in a legal scandal. One of the most famous examples of this is Hertz, the car rental company using O.J. Simpson for their marketing campaign before he was accused of murder.

Knowing who your customers are is critical. Treating your company as a person and giving it the traits that you think your customers will engage with, is one of the best ways of improving your marketing strategy.


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