Being A Brand: Defining Your Digital Presence

We see it in the world of fiction all the time. From the Matrix to the upcoming Ready Player One, we’ve become accustomed to following the exploits of actors who exist between two worlds. They present one face to the real world while living a completely different life in the digital realm. It sounds like a far-fetched concept doesn’t it? Yet you likely engage with people who lead similar lives every single day. Every time you follow a celebrity YouTuber or Instagrammer you’re identifying with someone who has created a digital avatar for themselves that differs greatly from the version of themselves that’s walking around cleaning the bathroom, eating breakfast or gassing up their cars offline. They may not have chosen their features from a drop-down menu, but they’ve still created an idealized version of themselves for digital consumption.

Digital Presence

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur specializing in the digital realm, an upcoming YouTube sensation or a would-be influencer who hopes to make a living from social media marketing, you will likely have to undergo this process yourself. Constructing an elaborate and meticulously maintained image of yourself is integral to success.

Here are some hints to help you define your digital presence:

Know your audience and be what they want to see

When you decide to put your face out there and try to present it as a marketable commodity, you become your own brand. Thus, it’s important to determine who you choose to show that face to. You’ll never be able to be all things to all people, so it’s important to know your audience and tailor your image to what they want to see. Do you want to be unimpeachably glamorous? Motivational? Modest? Down to Earth?

This not only applies to how you construct your image, but what you post content about, the tone and language you use, which hashtags you use and what other brands you reach out to on social media. Your digital presence is defined not just by what you say, but what you do.

Be inspired and inspirational

Not only should you present yourself as an inspiring and aspirational figure, but you should also be candid about the people, places, and experiences that inspire you. If there’s a particular celebrity who’s influenced your look, your life or your creative process, an event that shaped your outlook or an inspirational historical figure against whom you continually measure yourself, it’s a good idea to share this with your audience.

Be confident yet humble

As likely as it is that you’ll want to present yourself as a confident and inspirational figure, your audience will expect a degree of humility. No matter how successful you become, you’re never too good to like and respond when people approach you on social media, follow back and engage with your following.

Let your audience peek behind the curtain

Though a carefully constructed facade is a given in the realms of social media, it’s necessary and healthy to let your followers peek behind the curtain. Beauty influencers like Jamie Genevieve, for example, are entirely candid in showing themselves without makeup now and then. This presents a sense of humility and humanizes them to their audience, strengthening their personal investment in the brand they’ve created.


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