Letting Go and Moving On: Mompreneur, Your Dreams Are Calling!

I’ve had the six-figure salary, the corner office, the expense accounts, assistants, blah, blah, blah.

However, as I waved goodbye to my son this morning as he headed back to school, this Mompreneur knew exactly why she was on this journey. This journey that is allowing me to share my gifts with others. This is a journey that includes many sacrifice and many concessions. A journey filled with rewards, when I am able to witness the impact that I can have on others. NOTHING trumps this title that I wear so proudly, am most proud of and that comes with the greatest compensation package ever. MOM.

This is a New Year. A Year filled with endless opportunities to serve others. I proclaim it.

As a result, I have outlined a number of items that I believe will aid and empower myself and others to achieve the goals that have been set for 2015:

  1. I  finally learned to get out of my own way by allowing God to lead me on this journey. I asked him to take the wheel and to reveal to me what my unquestionable gifts are. That clarity occurred, and I became committed to doing the work necessary to enable me to share those gifts with the world. I am also now utilizing a new GPS, God’s Plan for Success.
  2.  I no longer share my big dreams with small-minded people. They have given up on their own and refuse to truly support those of anyone else.
  3. I have now applied the following bit of advice to my life, provided by a member of my tribe, Denise J. Hart: “Sister-preneurs, your dream is not your families dream. Stop expecting them to root for your dream like you do. Stop expecting them to stay up late, join you on the road, read and edit your content, tell you that you’re brilliant when you’re feeling doubtful. Your dream is yours and no one, no one else should root for your dream louder, harder and be more supportive of it than you.”
  4. I know my worth. Those who concur will be willing to compensate me accordingly for my services. Those who don’t were never my ideal client from the start.
  5. I will continue to strive for excellence, not perfection, and will continue to subscribe to the belief that I can Be It All, Do It All and Have It All.

I am confident in my ability to make 2015 a year filled with huge milestones and successes, because when God has a plan for you, neither the devil nor his representatives can stand in your way.

Are you following your dreams? If not, why not?






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